These tips are great and should always be followed anytime you go outside, but why are they so important? The big picture is to help keep our planet clean and happy, but there are severe consequences if we don’t follow these rules. When we are careless with our waste, things will get into our water, polluting the entire system. This means that everything, including you, is exposed to the chemicals and waste that get into the water. Protecting wildlife is key to keeping a balanced ecosystem. Animals need to be equipped with hunting skills and stick to their diets. When a disturbance occurs in the ecosystem, it may affect the population of a given species, rippling out and causing an imbalance of wildlife. For example, bears won’t have enough food if the deer population diminishes because they rely on human food. Vegetation will also become overgrown since no deer are eating the plants. Everything in the ecosystem is deeply connected, and it’s our responsibility to care for the environment whenever we use it.